Summarizing our big trip(s) is not easy, because I was thinking and feeling so many things along the way. So many people and so much fun. So much fun.
The camera was definately an extension of myself this trip. A question I have to ask myself now is: does the camera enhance my memories of the experiences enough to justify putting it between myself and others ... constantly. Am I fully participating and experiencing the situation if I am simultaneously photo-documenting and mentally reporting on the subject? In many ways I saw things, small expressions, relations, interactions that I don't recall in the past, only because I was looking to capture those images on film. Yes, film. I'm not digital yet, but can see all of the clear advantages to going digital - and it's coming. It's inevitable.
I'll spare you all every picture of my kids being cute, but some of these just truly represent the essence of the time and place.
mini-trip # 1 :: mid-summer b-day party
5 great Irwin's all sharing July & August birthdays! The memories:
+ Scott sharing the story (prompted by my compliments of a beautifully-restored tractor) of his grandparents; their simple approach to life, their humble lifestyle, their contentment & happiness.
+ Kathy patiently taking time with Helen and Joan with the horses.
+ Mary's sweet and tender interactions with her "Marty-Matt"
+ Matt and Patty growing into two of the coolest, most interesting, people you could want to be around -- another year older, another goal acheived. They are totally inspiring!
+ Bob and Uncle Pat walking side-by-side along the pond - brothers just being together,
+ Jimmy's famous culinary contributions
+ glow sticks in the potato launcher, and much, much more.
mini-trip # 2 :: Cleveland
Yes, that is Lake Erie and it really was that color! Then, the real vacation for me was this nice little place called Three Birds, where we enjoyed too much wine and un-interupted conversation with Pat and Joan on the patio.
Next day a visit to the new home of Lake Effect Radio, lunch at Slyman's, and a quick trip to the zoo, where we saw these really nice relief installations by Viktor Schrekengost.
And finally, to top it all off, the perfect summer evening. Fan or not, it's just hard to beat the complete entertainment satisfaction you get right here at Jacob's Field. Cleveland is the vacation capital of the world!
What a great night, spending time with Jim and Renee as well, and missing having them live near us. Does everybody eventually move to Cleveland?
Okay Jim, this one's for you, by request:
Thanks so much to the Andrews' for hosting the highlight of our summer!
mini-trip # 3 :: Visiting Mom, in PA
A very short visit, but we packed in a lot: Saw my sisters, brother-in-law, neices and nephew. Visited the Audubon Center & Sancturary for a small nature walk. Poured over old family photo albums with my Mom, who filled in blanks for me everywhere. Brought home a couple of favorite pics for a project or two. I'll be doing this more, as some of our oldest pictures from the early 1900s are really fading, and I'd like to scan them for preservation.
Love you so much, Mom. Next time a longer visit; it was way to short.
Our last mini-trip to see Paul's family will get it's own post. This is enough for anyone to upload. Until tomorrow...