I'm making some changes around here. Remember when I posted that photo of my "not working space"? Well, I'm separating my disciplines. Work (for Pattern Builders) at the computer ... see, sketch, explore and make things in our third floor.
We still need a few things to call this space done, but look at that light! It's second only to actually being outdoors. Up here, I can leave some paper, watercolors, pencils, ink and other fun bits at my table and just go, sit (or stand, as it may be) and DO.
The creative urge is a fragile thing. Sometimes, just in the time it takes to set up the materials and work space enough time passes for doubt, self-critism, and rationalization to creep in.
Well, NOT anymore.
I'm setting out to create a daily art habit. The peices will be published online (with the exception of some summer travel) to my new site ... inklings; a concept and project name that's been on my mind for a long time.
I have high hopes for this project, if not only the personal reward in a consistent effort extended toward something I love.