Even though we live in the city we're blessed with lots of nearby green space. We missed our third wheel yesterday, and can't wait 'til school is done this week so our trio can bomb around together for a couple of months.
It's June already. June. Month number six. Half way through the year. In light of that, a couple things are on my mind: 1) I haven't worked on a memory-keeping project since December, and 2) How am I advancing my creative goals so far this year? *
Working on the December daily project was a really simple way to capture our family happenings. The most significant aspects (for me) were taking a few minutes each day to jot notes about our activities, thoughts and feelings in the moment, and uploading my photos same day which helped bring forth the narrative.
During that process I also reaffirmed that I want to do more with photo enlargements. Some of the images just call out to be bigger and I haven't done enough in that direction. I justified my inactivity by the fact that I'm lacking a large album (true!) in which to keep the finished pages. Of course that's just an excuse.
Last year's summer book (posting soon) is an overview; snippets of people, places, events, but nothing in-depth. I like it alright, but even as I was putting it together I realized that without enlargements I was de-emphasizing the visual focus that some of those occasions deserve.
Enter this clever new flickr group, and I've been sparked to approach organizing my summer photos in just such a fashion:100 reasons to love summer. A plan is born.
This summer I'm working with a larger page size, bigger photos, writing my bit on the day events take place (or soon thereafter, when able). I want a project to work on over time; without urgency. It's a good thing I didn't get too far on the garden journal, because I think it wants to be encompassed into this one volume. Procrastination paid off.
Care to join me documenting '100 reasons to love summer' in whatever format works for you? My only concern is that there will be way more than 100 things. That's a good problem to have though, right? Check the flickr group for inspiration. I'll be sharing my photos there, and the book project, here.
* I'll address 'creative goals' progress another day.