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June 08, 2010


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This looks divine!
Thanks for the recipe.


Oh, wow, Molly, this looks delicious!! We've been making a lot of Caesar salads recently -- anchovies, coddled eggs, the works! -- and lamenting how long it's been since I've made bread, since either homemade croutons or just some nice crusty bread would be so good alongside. Maybe this recipe is the kick in the butt I need!

Michele H.

this looks absolutely delish! if it smells like "pizza" i'm sure it will be a big hit in our household:) thanks for the recipe.


Ohhh, I know what I'm baking this weekend! I have so much oregano. It's growing wild around my raspberry bush, oddly enough. We planted the bush 2 summers ago,and this is the first spring I've noticed it growing. I'm going out this morning to cut a bunch. Looking forward to tasting fresh warm Oregano Bread.....thank you!

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about OGL

  • One good loaf is weekly bread baking project for home bakers. We each choose our own recipes, convenient baking time, and then share photos, tips and ideas in our flickr group pool. This site provides resources and information to participants, and serves as a project diary for Molly Irwin, group founder.

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